the WHOLE story


This isn’t just a business for us, we are personally motivated to make a difference.

Ali & Anthony’s daughter Saskia, was tube fed for the first two years of her life. Saskia lives with Kabuki Syndrome which caused a whole host of medical issues from birth. After becoming disillusioned with the existing ready made tube feeds, whose ingredient lists typically didn’t contain one wholefood ingredient, they started blending their own food. After doing so they discovered a huge community of parents and carers doing the same thing and it was like a weight had lifted off their shoulders. The only downside was the arduous task of making, blending and attempting to nutritionally balance the blends, with the right macro and micro nutrients. They searched for a ready made product to compliment their home blends and take some of the pressure off, what was at times a stressed home environment. Around the same time, Ali & Anthony met Emily & Gary.

Emily is a qualified Speech Pathologist specialising in paediatric feeding difficulties and runs a clinic focused solely in this area. To Ali & Anthony, Emily was a miracle worker, as after a week at Emily’s intensive feeding therapy clinic, Saskia was eating and drinking for the first time in her life. Miracle may have been the word Ali & Anthony used, but in reality, it was through extensive research and experience that Emily was able to design and run such effective programs. She is a pioneer in her field and has been awarded a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, Flinders University, SA), from her research within paediatric feeding and enteral tube weaning.

Emily had shared with her husband Gary, the incredible results when families switched to real food blends, and her frustrations that so many families were put off trying real food, as the task of blending and ensuring the right nutritional blend, seemed too daunting for them.

From this deeply personal and professional backstory, our belief is tube fed adults and children should have access to blended wholefoods, that are nutritionally complete, shelf-stable and readily available. When we couldn’t find it available on the Australian market, we decided to make our own.
