A nutritionally formulated meal replacement, balanced by a qualified dietitian, developed by food technicians, and lab tested to ensure quality in every pack.


We wanted to ensure that ENRICH was a product we could be proud of and would want to feed our loved ones. Three years have been spent in product development ensuring that ENRICH is wholefood rich and nutrient dense. We have worked closely with our dietitian and food technicians to choose ingredients that ensure a nutritionally balanced macro and micronutrient profile, so that you can have confidence in ENRICH as an enteral meal replacement.

Olive oil - is an incredible brain food and has been linked to the prevention of stroke and heart disease. It’s health benefits are rife but to name a few; it is rich in monounsaturated fats and contains a compound called oleocanthal that is known to be a powerful anti-inflammatory. It is also a great source of Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant.

Spinach - Sulforafane releasing leafy greens with their anti-carcinogenic properties were a must-have ingredient for ENRICH. In addition, Spinach provides so many essential vitamins and minerals. It is a great source of folate, manganese, magnesium, iron and vitamin B2 and also rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C.

Chickpeas - High in protein and a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fibre, chickpeas are associated with improved digestion and weight management.

Lemon Myrtle - Rich in antioxidants, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, lemon myrtle has long been used in the treatment of stress, insomnia, sinus, sore throats and to aid digestion.

Chicory Root - is a great source of prebiotic fibre from inulin, which has been linked to improved gut health. It also contains two important nutrients that are associated with brain health - manganese and vitamin B6.

Ginger - Ginger is linked to so many health benefits it could easily be called a “superfood”. It is an anti-inflammatory, linked with pain and nausea relief, can regulate blood sugar, help to prevent heart disease and reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes.