Is your product allergen free?

Yes! Our product is Gluten, Nut, Dairy, Soy, Egg & GMO Free.

Is your product Australian Made?

Yes! Our product is made in Australia and 87% of our ingredients are sourced locally.

Will your product work with a pump and syringe

We have spent the last four years in product development, extensively testing the viscosity of ENRICH to ensure it can be used via a pump. Just make sure your measure the volume you require independantly prior to setting the pump volume. Real food is thicker than formulated feeds because it has fibrous and nutrient rich fruits and vegetables.

I’m worried that using real food will make me/my child sick due to the risk of microbial contamination and food poisoning.

WHOLE products are prepared in a commercial premises in Adelaide to the highest of standards utilising the HACCP guidelines for Food Safety. As with any real food, you need to use the same guidelines around storing open food and using within the recommended time frame as you would for your ‘left overs’. It goes without saying that your lines and syringes are cleaned after every meal to prevent infection.

How do I know that the food in the blend will provide the right nutrients and calories for me/my child?

The Whole Enteral team takes health, growth and safety seriously. Our first-hand experience with the stress of nutrition and tube feeding has led to stringent analysis – both by an Accredited Practising Dietitian and SA Pathology laboratories - of the ingredients and quantities used to make ENRICH.

Can I use my NDIS funding to purchase ENRICH ?

From the 1st October 2019 NDIS will support disability related health supports including Dietetic consultations and the difference in cost between commercially prescribed milk-formulas and the cost involved with preparing/purchasing real food formulas if these are considered vital and necessary (from Dietetic recommendation). Self-managed and plan-managed NDIS participants may choose to use funding within their Nutrition Supports budget to subsidise the cost of Enrich. Agency managed participants may discuss with their planner incorporating a request for funding under Code 0103.

Is ENRICH nutritionally complete?

A tube feeding formula is considered nutritionally complete if: it provides 100 percent of the recommend values of carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals and can be used on its own as a sole source of nutrition (Rumsey, 2017). WHOLE have worked hard to ensure that Enrich meets the recommended Australian Dietary Guidelines for carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals for children aged 12 months to adults. However your individual circumstances and medical conditions may mean that Enrich does not meet all of your specific needs and therefore should not be used as a total diet replacement. We suggest using WHOLE enteral formulas in conjunction with a medical/dietitian review. As in all types of food enjoyment – nutritional variety – is the key to a healthy, balanced diet.

Can I use a formula as well as ENRICH?

We completely support people’s preference to use ENRICH in conjunction with their own home made blended foods or formula. However ENRICH is designed as a meal replacement in the same way that a lot of other formulas are. As in all types of food enjoyment – nutritional variety – is the key to a healthy, balance diet.

Will this wholefood blend become stuck in the feeding pump line or block the tube?

ENRICH has been made with the highest standard cooking and blending equipment to ensure a consistent texture in every meal. It is recommended that home-made blended meals be used in gastrostomy tubes greater than 12 French in diameter (Gallagher et al, 2015). In the event that food becomes lodged we recommend the following methods, derived from personal experience:

Obstruction: if there is an obstruction, it is usually at the point of the tubing that feeds through the pump. There is a very narrow point feeding into and out of the pump. If there is an obstruction there, we find the best way is to knead or massage it out, and then pump through at a high rate to move it along to a wider passage. The other common spot for obstructions is at the connection point to the PEG. The same process as above applies.

Build up: use a large syringe (60ml) and pull back on the plunger to remove as much liquid as possible. Then push through some warm water.

Can I use my pump to set the volume of a feed

We always recommend measuring the feed volume independently of the pump. Real food is thicker than formulated feeds because it has fibrous and nutrient rich fruits and vegetables. If you decide to thin the formula with water note that this will affect the Nutritional density of your dose.

Can I freeze your product after opening?

We don’t recommend freezing Enrich before or after opening. As our product is shelf stable prior to opening, there is no need to freeze. After opening, the hygiene of the product cannot be guaranteed if frozen, due to a variety of uncontrolled factors such as; length of time it was open before freezing and defrosting method. It should be consumed within 24 hours of opening.

What is your shipping policy?

We ship within Australia and Internationally. We endeavour to have all packages shipped within 3 days of receiving the order. Please refer to our shipping page for more information.

What happens if I receive my order and it’s damaged?  

Whilst every care is taken by the team at WHOLE to package your order carefully, we are unable to guarantee its presentation when it arrives to you. Any concerns with how your order was received will need to be followed up directly with the courier.

What is your returns policy?

Refunds will not be accepted. We cannot guarantee the storage and treatment of any products outside of our control and would never sell returned food to our customers. For more information please refer to our Terms of Use.

How do I order wholesale?

Please contact us info@whole.net.au

Any other questions?

Please feel free to contact us via email: info@whole.net.au